Out there is a Giant

Out there is a Giant.
Out in the back yard,
buried right up to his head!
His hair is sticking up all around,
it looks like a bunch of trees fallen down.
Do you see him buried out there in the ground?
Is it really a Giant?
Was it always there...
or did he suddenly just show up?
Do you think he is hungry? What does he eat?
I really hope not us!
Can he hear the dog barking?
Dad can and he's hollering:
"Pipe that dog down!"
It's a good thing the Giant's got dirt in his ears,
I guess you can't hear dogs bark underground.
I hope we can keep him,
I hope that he likes us,
Hey, I know! Let's name him Steve!
You think there's no Giant out there underground?
Well, I do. I BELIEVE.

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